Mystical school production

Findon Primary Students Lena, Ava, Dev, Klea, Lucas, Krystyna, Benard, Bitya, Lucinda, Lucy, Isabella, Noah and Daniel. (Damjan Janevski) 365976_03

Findon Primary School students are studying up on wizardry and witchcraft as they prepare to stage Mystical, a whimsical tale of a young wizard named Mystique.

A student at the Mystical Wizardry School, Mystique is taught by one of the greatest wizards to ever live, Albus Dumbledore.

Whilst all other wizards at the school have received their unique gifts, Mystique has not yet received hers.

Albus can see her potential and decides to help her by creating a magical orb.

Mystique finds the orb with her best friend Kittles in the ‘Room of Requirement’, and they are sent into the amazing worlds of Happy Feet, Madagascar, Sing, Moana and Encanto.

Performing and visual arts teacher and production director and writer, Nicole O’Connell, cannot wait for the show to hit the stage.

“The greatest thing I love about producing a production is the pure joy and happiness that it brings our students and families and watching how our whole school community comes together as one,” she said.

“Writing my own shows allows me to give more main cast opportunities and gives all of our students plenty of time to shine on stage, which, when you are dealing with a cast of 300 students, is very important.

“Throughout this unique experience our students learn about the fundamentals of drama, dance and music throughout their rehearsals, as well as gaining knowledge on theatre practice and how a production is produced.

“Watching our students grow and thrive throughout this journey is something I am very proud of, and their hard work and dedication is evident by how professional our show is.”

The show will run on November 1 and 2 at the Plenty Ranges Arts & Convention Centre.

Gerald Lynch