My Place: Senior Constable Lucy Lenius

Hume's LGBTIQ+ liaison officer (LLO) Senior Constable Lucy Lenius. (Supplied).

Hume’s LGBTIQ+ liaison officer (LLO) Senior Constable Lucy Lenius, tells Millicent Spencer about her work in serving the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex and queer community.

What’s your connection to Hume?

I have worked in the Broadmeadows area for almost four years and grew up living in Hume.

What do you like about where you work?

The variety of work [as] no two jobs are ever the same, [which] makes the role challenging and engaging. There have been times where I feel that my work has genuinely made a difference in people’s lives.

Why did you join Victoria Police? And specifically, why did you take on the role of a LGBTIQ+ LLO?

As cliché as it sounds, I have a genuine desire to help people. I took on the role of LGBTIQ+ Liaison to be an approachable police member for the community and help break the stigma. Being a LLO has given me the opportunity to attend LGBTIQ+ events and I have become a regular member of the Victorian Pride March.

What do you hope to achieve a LLO?

To provide assistance to the LGBTIQ+ community that may be apprehensive about contacting police.

At Broadmeadows, we are currently operating a referral system where members of the LGBTIQ+ community who experience Family Violence can be referred to a LLO to assist in making the process more supportive and comforting.

What do you do on your time off from work?

I’m big on my craft projects, painting and resin art, and sports of course.

What is one thing about you that people would be surprised to learn?

Prior to being general duties police, I was a Protective Services Officer, which is where I started my LLO journey at Midsumma Carnivals and Pride March.

What do you want the community to know about you?

I am committed to creating a respectful and supportive environment for the community. Generally if the community is needing to contact police, it is not a good day from them. I want them to know we are here to assist if they need safety.