My Place

Kathleen Tants. (Damjan Janevski.) 423363_05

Qualified horticulturalist and Whittlesea local Kathleen Tants, tell Star Weekly about her love for wildlife and how she began passing on her knowledge to the wider community.

Tell us a bit about yourself and what you do?

I run a small business called Kathleen’s Garden Consultancy. I’m a qualified horticulturist and also qualified in conservation and lands management. I run short courses with various community centres/neighbourhood houses and do one-off horticulture based talks/demonstrations/hands-on workshops with various Garden Clubs, Yarra Plenty Regional Library branches, community groups, Bunnings and councils both within the City of Whittlesea and surrounds. I’m also a member of Whittlesea Landcare.

What is your connection to the city of Whittlesea?

I have lived in the Whittlesea area since 2007. But growing up, was a regular visitor to the area to see family living in and around Whittlesea. I have made some great friends since moving here. I have some of my husbands family here too. Some of my business clients are also based in Whittlesea township and within the City of Whittlesea Council area and surrounds.

What, if anything, would you change about where you live?

I would like to see either speed bumps installed on Ridge Rd to slow traffic down, for the safety of children and adults walking, biking and scooting along the road and also to reduce the number of native animals hit along this road.

What is your favourite local place to spend time?

Café 59 in Church St, I love the range of gluten free options and their hot chocolate and the thirst quencher juices are the best. I often see people there that I know. It has a laid back, casual and friendly atmosphere too.

Tell us something people would be surprised to know about you?

Outside of my business, I’m actually quite a private person.

What is your favorite memory about living where you live? 

I met and purchased my first horse in Whittlesea about a year after moving to the area and had many adventures together, including my first showing experience at Carabi Horse show at the Whittlesea Showgrounds.

What does the community mean to you?

Everything. Without the local community organisations, I may not have a business to run, so I really appreciate the support from them that my business gets and the opportunity to support their various garden projects. I also love being able to share my knowledge with the community and give people confidence to get outside and enjoy their gardens. I also love the social aspect and the friends I have made through working with these organisations.