More specialist schools to access NDIS navigators


More students at state government specialist schools, including those in Hume and Whittlesea, will soon have access to more tailored care and wraparound support.

The second tranche of the $21.2 million National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) Navigators initiative is now being rolled out, giving an extra 35 schools access to the fund.

More than 65 schools now have the funding to hire an NDIS Navigator, with every one of the state’s 84 specialist schools set to have an Navigator in place by the end of 2025.

NDIS Navigators work in specialist schools and provide direct support to families and carers to help them to navigate the NDIS, including how to access the NDIS, prepare for plan reviews and access the right supports.

It’s part of the state governments ‘Fighting for Students with Disability and their Families’ package, which also includes funding for infrastructure and transport for specialist schools.

In addition to the scheme, upgrades have been awarded to every single specialist school in the state, as well as more support for students in the classroom and facilities.

Education Minister Ben Carroll said, “Every family should have access to the support they need, which is why we’re providing more NDIS Navigators to students with disability and additional needs, giving them the resources and support to be their best.”

“An inclusive education system means all students should be welcomed, accepted and engaged with so that they can be part of their school community and thrive”.