Melbourne Airport’s lost and fund

Thousands of items get left in the airport terminals every year.

Communities in Melbourne’s north and west are set to benefit from forgetful travellers, as Melbourne Airport launches a new Community Giving Fund subsidised by the sale of lost property.

Each year thousands of items are left in the airport terminals and those that remain unclaimed are auctioned off.

Funds generated will now be used to establish the Melbourne Airport Community Giving Fund, with an initial $50,000 to support local initiatives.

The program officially launched on Monday October 2, and it is providing grants of up to $2000 to successful applicants to help fund expenses associated with community projects, such as uniforms, transport, community kitchens and libraries.

Melbourne Airport chief of aviation Jim Parashos said the fund is designed to support the great work of smaller local organisations.

“Melbourne Airport tries very hard to reunite every passenger with their belongings but sometimes that’s not possible, and we’re happy that items collecting dust at the airport will now support the quality community programs running in our area,” he said.

“Whether it’s an art class needing supplies, a sports club updating uniforms or a gardening club looking for seedlings, these grants aim to ease the financial burden on smaller organisations.”

The fund is open to community groups in suburbs directly surrounding the airport, with applications open through the Melbourne Airport website.

Gerald Lynch