Melbourne Airport urges government to lower its eyes

Artist's impression of the airport rail link. (supplied)

Melbourne Airport has doubled down on its wishes for the proposed Melbourne Airport train station to be underground.

Construction was scheduled to begin on the Melbourne Airport Rail Link, which will result in trains running between Sunshine and the airport.

The rail link was due to be completed but the future of the project is still under review by the federal government. The state government’s plans released last year said it’s preference was to have an above ground station.

Airport chief executive Lorie Argus was reported to have reinforced the airport’s view on an underground station at the Australian Airports Association national conference,

An airport spokesperson said the airport urges a proper evaluation to be undertaken as they feel it would not cost more but would benefit passengers greatly.

“It is an important project, and important to get right,” said a spokesperson for the Melbourne Airport.

“Our preference has always been, and remains, for an underground station because it provides a superior passenger experience and better future-proofing of the terminal and aviation precinct.

“Melbourne Airport was in productive discussions with Rail Projects Victoria until the state government referred the project to the Infrastructure Investment Pipeline review.

“Melbourne Airport remains ready to work with the state and federal governments to develop and deliver this project for Victoria.”

A state government spokesperson said they have been in negotiations with the airport about this project for three years.

“As we have previously said, these negotiations have been frustrating and have caused delays,” they said.

“The federal government is carrying out its National Infrastructure Investment Program Review – we’ll have more to say when that process has run its course.”