Market reaches high gear

Peter, Mustapha, Michael, Carl and Kaldoun with their cars. Picture: Ari Hatzis

Excitement among car enthusiasts is revving into high gear as they get ready to put their pride and joys on show. About 500 cars are expected to motor in to Campbellfield Market on January 30, the market’s general manager Tanya Unalan told Star Weekly. Ms Unalan said anyone wanting to display their car in the show could simply drive up on the day, with no prior registration needed. There will also be a raffle on the day with proceeds going to the Smith family, a charity that helps disadvantaged children make it through their education. “Every child deserves what ours have,” Ms Unalan said. The car show will run from 8.30am until 4pm at 27-35 Cooper Street, Campbellfield. Entry to the market, and the car show, is free.