Love is in the air


Love was in the air in more than one way at Northern Health on Valentine’s Day.

Three families welcomed the most precious gift of all on a special Valentine’s Day, their beautiful babies.

As the world celebrates love in all its forms, the maternity ward echoed with the sounds of new beginnings, each cry a testament to the miracle of life.

As for Northern Health’s maternity staff, it is both their honour and privilege to witness these moments, and to share in the warmth of new beginnings.

“Midwifery is such a sacred job that it allows you to be with the woman and her family when creating core memories of their family growing. When you add a day of love, it adds that extra bit of sparkle and joy to

the day,” maternity unit manager Seda Kiroglu said.

“Maternity services at Northern Health take pride in the care we provide for our new families, which is why as we celebrate the year of kindness, we would like to echo that value through our practice.”