By Laura Michell
Traffic lights will soon be installed at one of Whittlesea’s busiest intersections, improving safety for pedestrians.
Work on the $2.9 million safety upgrade at the intersection of Plenty and Wallan roads and Macmeikan and Laurel streets started late last month.
Traffic lights will be installed to improve traffic flow, while the work will also include pedestrian crossings, better street lighting, a dedicated bike lane from Plenty Road to Macmeikan Street and extended footpaths.
The intersection, close to Whittlesea Primary School, houses and shops, currently operates with give way signs.
The upgrades follow years of campaigning by the Whittlesea community and warnings by residents that the intersection is dangerous.
Whittlesea resident Krissy Richmond launched a petition in February, 2016, calling for lights to be installed at the intersection after she was nearly struck by a car while crossing Plenty Road near Whittlesea Primary School.
“The [Plenty Road] crossing is too busy for children,” Ms Richmond said.
“I’ve seen kids crossing the road … instead of stopping, cars swerve towards the stockfeed yards.”
According to VicRoads data, almost 10,000 drivers pass through the intersection daily. It has been the scene of six casualty crashes since 2014.
VicRoads’ guidelines indicate that locations with three or more casualty crashes in the preceding five years are classified as accident black spots.
Yan Yean MP Danielle Green said the upgrade was expected to be finished by the end of the year.
“These improvements will make this busy intersection safer for the thousands of drivers, cyclists and pedestrians who rely on it every day,” she said.