Thomastown West Primary School students are getting ready to light up the stage during Walking Thomastown.
The annual event explores the culture and history of Thomastown by night, with participants walking from Main Street Recreation Reserve, along Edgars Creek, through Ziebell’s Farm and the pioneer precinct at Westgarthtown.
The evening features an array of music, light shows, food trucks and dancers, including local primary schools taking part in the Dare to Dream community dance project.
Dancer Sandrine Dower has been working with students from schools, including Thomastown West, Thomastown and St Clare’s primary schools, to create performances around this year’s Walking Thomastown theme of hope.
Thomastown Neighbourhood House manager Liz Skitch said Walking Thomastown was a magical adventure.
“Walking Thomastown gives our community something to look forward to. And that really sums up the theme of this year’s Walking Thomastown, hope. Always let your hope shine bright, in times of darkness find the light,” she said,
It’s on August 31, from 6pm. Details: shorturl.at/k7Vll