The new year got off to a good start for Wollert motorists, with two key intersections reopening following upgrade works.
Pine Park Drive and Harvest Home Road east were closed for upgrades as part of the Epping Road duplication project.
Both intersections re-opened late last year.
The improvements at each intersection include a new traffic island, street lighting, traffic lights and turning lanes.
The project team also upgraded both intersections’ existing lanes, kerbs and medians.
Major Road Projects Victoria (MRPV) said the improvements represent a big step toward the Epping Road Upgrade achieving its goal of safer and more-reliable travel for all the road’s users.
The reopening of Pine Park Drive and Harvest Home Road came hot on the heels of traffic moving to a section of the project’s new southbound lanes for the first time.
Traffic began using these lanes, between Craigieburn Road East and Harvest Home Road, on Friday, December 13.
All intersection upgrades on the east side of Epping Road will be completed when Park Street reopens in late February.
The improvements at Park Street will include new turning lanes onto Epping Road’s new southbound lanes, and the upgrading of the intersection’s existing lanes, kerbs and medians.
Major works to upgrade key intersections on the road’s west side are set to begin early this year.
MRPV program director Dipal Sorathia thanked the community for its patience during the upgrade.
The upgrade is due for completion in 2025.