Intersection frustration

(Damjan Janevski) 336543_04

Craigieburn motorists are becoming increasingly frustrated at the prolonged closure of the newly upgraded intersection of Aitken Boulevard and Marathon Boulevard, which has now exceeded a month.

Hume mayor Joseph Haweil said council was waiting on power company Jemena to connect power to the intersection for lighting and traffic signals.

He acknowledged the frustration among local drivers.

“We were proud to be able to deliver these road works on time to mitigate that disruption, but unfortunately factors out of our control including the lack of availability of the Jemena accredited contractor, have led to delays in fully re-opening Aitken Boulevard,” he said.

“Hume City Council continues to work with external stakeholders to ensure the delays our residents are facing are resolved as quickly as possible.

“This includes working with the state government to install temporary lighting, which we see as a viable temporary solution that will provide interim relief to commuters while work external to Council is waiting to be finished.”

Mr Haweil said council hoped the intersection would be opened in November, subject to approvals and sign-offs by Jemena and the Department of Planning and Transport.

Jemena was contacted for comment.

Gerald Lynch