Infrastructure Victoria report calls for rail extension to Wollert


The rail network could be extended to Wollert and Epping North to ease congestion on the area’s crowded roads under an Infrastructure Victoria proposal.

A report by the independent advisory body is a 30-year vision for the state that includes plans for road and transport upgrades as well as improvements to ageing facilities.

It recommends that the state government complete a feasibility study for the creation of a high-capacity transport link to connect Wollert and Epping North to the rail network within five years.

It believes the link will be required in 15 to 30 years and would provide residents with a viable alternative to using cars for local trips and commuting to Melbourne. Infrastructure Victoria has suggested the government consider the use of rail and buses to create the link.

While Whittlesea council is pleased Infrastructure Victoria has identified the need for a transport link in the growing area, it is pushing for an extension of the rail network rather than the use of buses.

City transport and presentation director Nick Mann said that eventually 52,000 people would live in Epping North and 32,000 would live in Wollert, placing a significant additional burden on an already congested road network.

He viewed a rapid bus service as a short-term measure.

“The extension of heavy rail from Lalor station to Epping North and Wollert is a critical transport project for current and future residents of these growth areas,” he said.

Epping North resident Tony Francis backs the extension of the rail network from Lalor, saying trains would be able to move residents faster than buses.

He said traffic through Epping moved at “walking pace” in peak periods.

He believes the rail extension is needed sooner rather than later, fearing that the area will become unliveable.