Hume students excel

Students with retired Supreme Court Judge John Digby, High Court Justice Michelle Gordon, Hume mayor Joseph Haweil (supplied).

The Victorian Bar has recognised 17 of Hume’s brightest students for academic excellence in legal studies.

At a presentation on Friday, June 23, the students were presented with the Victorian Bar Foundation student achievement award, and will undertake a mentoring program in 2023.

Each student will also receive $1000 from the Victorian Bar Foundation and $500 from Hume council.

Victorian Bar Foundation chair and retired Supreme Court Judge John Digby said the initiative is aimed at encouraging local students from diverse backgrounds and cultures to pursue a career in law.

“We want to encourage future generations from diverse communities to consider law and highlight that a career at the Victorian Bar is open to all,” Mr Digby said.

“More than 40 per cent of all junior barristers are female … [and] approximately 15 per cent of barristers were born overseas and come from 33 countries.

“Almost half have at least one parent who was born overseas and 10 per cent speak a language other than English at home.”

The Patron of the Victorian Bar Foundation and High Court Justice Michelle Gordon spoke about her upbringing and “humble beginnings”.

“My father arrived in this country in the 1950s as an economic refugee,” Ms Gordon said.

“I come from what my mother describes as ‘humble beginnings’.

“What I learnt was that with hard work, opportunities, encouragement and support from others, I was able to have a career as a barrister as well as be a wife, a mother, [and] a friend.”

Ms Gordon said the award and mentoring program, which is in its fifth year, will give the students links to current leaders in the legal profession.

“Grab with both hands the opportunity that this award gives you,” she said.

“Be inquisitive, ask questions of the people you meet because we will ask questions of you [and] I know we will be surprised by what we can learn from each other.”

The 2023 winners include students from Roxburgh College, Hume Anglican Grammar, Craigeburn Secondary College, Sirius College, Ilim College, Penola Catholic College, Kolbe Catholic College, Aitken College and Gladstone Park Secondary College