Hume solar roll-our proves a success


Craigieburn residents are doing their bit to contribute to a greener society after the suburb was ranked in the top five suburbs in Victoria for total solar generation.

Sunbury residents also recorded the highest number of solar installations in the Hume rollout program, and ranked as the seventh top suburb for solar installation in Victoria for February of this year.

Hume Mayor Joseph Haweil said the number of solar installations is a testimony to the community.

“The impressive solar uptake results across our community and for Sunbury and Craigieburn in particular, are testament to our residents and their commitment to a renewable future,” Cr Haweil said.

Since the rollout began in late 2020, one megawatt of solar has been installed across Hume, reducing greenhouse gas emissions by about 1050 tonnes per year.

This emission reduction is equivalent to removing about 205 cars each year, while saving households in the program a collective of about $215,000 in electricity bills.

Cr Haweil said these savings can help ease the burden of cost of living pressures.

“Given the ongoing cost of living pressures that many in our community are facing, the Hume Household Solar Rollout program is an effective way for residents to save money and help keep our environment clean,” he said.

“The one-megawatt solar installation milestone is a great reflection of the Hume Household Solar program and proves residents are making positive impacts through solar.”

The state government is also offering $1400 rebates and interest-free loans for households to install solar.

Hume council will offer an additional $700 rebate to concession card holders who install solar through the program.


Hannah Hammoud