The completion of Craigieburn Park and the redevelopment of Broadmeadows Town Hall are at the centre of Hume council’s 2016-17 draft budget, as the council looks deliver infrastructure “as the community needs it, not 50 years down the track”.
The draft budget, which was released to the public earlier this week, includes an average rates rise of 2.5 per cent in line with the state government’s new cap.
The average household will pay about $45 extra in rates this year. But as this is a revaluation year, the degree of change will vary.
The draft budget includes plans to pay of almost $25.95 million in borrowings, making the council virtually debt-free.
The council proposes to spend $19 million to complete the aquatic and athletics facility at Craigieburn Park, as well as spending $1.47 million to upgrade the pavilion at Craigieburn’s DS Aitken reserve.
Town hall redevelopment
In Broadmeadows, $3 million will be put towards the redevelopment of the town hall, while money will also be spent to increase car parking in the CBD.
The council also plans to improve parking and traffic flow in narrow streets in suburbs such as Roxburgh Park by creating indented parking bays.
Mayor Helen Patsikatheodorou said the budget included the most ambitious capital works program launched during her eight years on the council.
“This is the Hume story for 2016-17 – huge investments in services and community facilities, combined with a low rates increase, a budget in surplus and virtually no debt,” she said.
“Council has been very prudent … we’ve implemented a number of savings measures that help us to deliver services and infrastructure in an efficient manner.”
Cr Casey Nunn welcomed the continuation of a “budget build bonanza” in Aitken ward.
She said that over the last four years, close to $100 million had been invested in the ward.
Cr Geoff Porter said he was happy to support a budget and council plan that “created a strong legacy for future generations.”
“To me, the best news is Hume – debt free. What a great news story for this community to know.
“The future is prosperous and we will continue to manage the programs and the budget of this council to the best purpose of the local community.”