Help the Uncle Bob’s Club

Paulm Etherington and Stacey Ramadge with her daughter Sadie, 3. (Damjan Janevski) 420649_03

The Uncle Bob’s Club is calling for volunteers to join its state committee.

The term is a 12-month position, beginning in October of each year and consists of monthly meetings that can be attended remotely. Committe members also participate in strategic planning and committee work and occasionally represent UBC at events throughout the year.

Since its founding in 1942, UBC has raised key funds for children’s hospitals and medical equipment across Victoria with the mission of ensuring no child in Victoria goes without the medical equipment they need.

UBC raises money through hosting events such as garage sales, morning teas and sausage sizzles, while aiming to keep the funds in the area they were raised.

Being a grassroots charity with only one paid staff member and no government funding, UBC relies on the generosity of donors and volunteers to continue its mission.

Fundraising and volunteer manager Stacey Ramadge described the ideal volunteer as being anyone passionate about raising funds to help the children of Victoria.

“Everything that we fundraise goes directly to children’s health, either through local hospitals or the Good Friday Appeal,” she said.

Despite the abundance of donations that pour in, the shortage of manpower limits the work UBC is able to do.

UBC recently started a new group in the western suburbs, with ambitions to launch two more in the northern and eastern suburbs.

More details:

Jaidyn Kennedy