Green thumbs wanted in Roxburgh Park

The Roxburgh Park Community garden at the Homestead Community Centre. Pic of (l-r): Jessica Walton; Francine Michaelides; Sunita Sharma and Adelina Ogelsby. Photo by Damjan Janevski. 267746_01

Elsie Lange

There’s an old proverb which says “life begins when you start a garden”.

The people behind Roxburgh Park Community Garden agree – and they want you.

There are 27 garden plots, with four currently up for grabs. The Community Garden’s Steering Committee’s Jessica Walton believes the atmosphere is what makes it special.

“We have a great community at the garden where we connect with each other, all the different members, and get advice on what to grow, when to grow it, and how to get the best yield,” Ms Walton said.

With so much rain over summer, the Roxburgh Park growers have had a bumper season too.

“Members have done very well with their zucchinis this year, and button squash as well,” Ms Walton said.

“The tomatoes are going gangbusters at the moment,”

Ms Walton loves how the garden helps her to wind down.

“Going there in the morning or the afternoon, and taking ten minutes to be with my veggies and be with myself, it’s that little bit of time for me in nature,” Ms Walton said.

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