Grants ‘disappoint’ mayor

Hume City Council (Damjan Janevski). 336543_02

Zoe Moffatt

Hume mayor Joseph Haweil has called out a council events grant assessment panel for knocking back applications over “trivial matters”.

At a meeting on June 26, Hume council approved round one of the event grants to distribute $97,250 to 11 applicants.

Cr Haweil opposed the recommendations and said he was concerned at the concentration of funding and was disappointed at the number of unsuccessful applicants.

“I cannot vote to endorse this officer’s recommendation … because of my disappointment as to the number of unsuccessful applicants,” Cr Haweil said.

“I fully support [the successful applicants] but … I’m concerned that 70 per cent of the entire funding in round one – or nearly $70,000 – is going to projects in the Jacksons Creek Ward alone.

“I’m disappointed that some effort could have been made to support unsuccessful applicants to fill any gaps in their application, rather than simply knocking them back on the basis of an on the paper assessment.

“[This includes] for trivial matters like not identifying the venue of an event, which could easily have been addressed with an email or phone call, especially when more than $70,000 remains unallocated.”

Cr Haweil said he was disappointed that most unsuccessful applications seemed to come from multicultural community organisations.

“I’m disappointed that any events, bar one from multicultural community organisations, have received the lowest level of funding,” he said.

“I believe [they] will feel discouraged from applying in the future because of the recommendation.”

Cr Haweil also voiced his disappointment at the absence of councillor participation in the process.

“The absence of councillor participation in these grants processes robs the community of genuine on-the=ground lived experience to help inform decision making or giving decision making power in its majority to unelected officers.”

The groups that were unsuccessful in their application include the Assyrian Australian Social Development Club, Australian Chaldean Family Welfare Association, Australian Turkish Friendship Association, Chaldean League Foundation of Australia Victoria Inc, Chaldean Social Cultural and Welfare Association of Australia Inc, Ornina Art Group and People First Healthcare.