Grant for township disaster planning


A Whittlesea township group is taking an active approach to prepare the town for future disaster, thanks tot he Foundation to Rural Regional Renewal.

As part of the foundation’s Disaster Resilient: Future Ready (DR:FR) Victorian program, the Whittlesea Township and Surrounds Community Resilience Committee received a share in $120, 839 in funding.

The committee used the grant to employ a project officer and is currently rewriting the community emergency management plan for the township.

A key project for the group is to set up a community emergency response network (CERN) of residents and community organisations. For future large fires and storms, the CERN would be recognised as part of the formal emergency response and would coordinate the local community-level relief efforts.

Foundation resilience and recovery lead Nina O’Brien said the DR:FR initiative is an active partnership between FRRR and the communities.

The premise of the DR:FR program is to partner with local groups and community members, and provide them with the tools and resources to identify what their community needs to prepare for the impacts of climate change, natural disasters and broader disruptions, she said.

“The priority projects have been under development since March, so it’s a major milestone to see the local groups getting these important ideas off the ground. We are inspired by the passion and persistence shown by each group and their eagerness to make a difference when the next emergency arrives,” Ms O’Brien said.