Government squarks bird-flu warning


Agriculture Victoria is urging bird owners, including those in Hume and Whittlesea, to play a part in preventing the spread of bird flu this summer.

Victoria’s chief veterinary officer Dr Graeme Cooke said bird and backyard chook owners need to be vigilant for disease in their birds, such as avian influenza.

“Signs of avian influenza include breathing difficulties such as coughing, sneezing, or rasping, while ruffled feathers, dopiness, diarrhoea and closed eyes can also be evident,” she said.

“Other signs include swelling and purple discolouration of the head, comb, wattles and neck, and a rapid drop in eating, drinking and egg production.”

Dr Cooke said infected birds shed avian influenza in saliva, nasal secretions and faeces.

“Wild birds including waterfowl are a natural host for the virus and don’t usually show any symptoms,” she said.

“They need to be kept away from domestic birds, their food and water.

“Domestic poultry, chickens, ducks, geese, turkeys, guinea fowl, quail, pheasants, emus, and ostriches are most susceptible to being affected by avian influenza.”

Dr Cooke said owners can take action to prevent disease from spreading by, maintaining a high level of hygiene, implementing rodent control around poultry sheds and feed-bins, and avoiding contact with non-commercial poultry and wild birds.

“New birds should be quarantined prior to being integrated into existing commercial or backyard flocks,” she said.

“Disease transmission should be minimised between poultry farms by cleaning vehicles, equipment and clothing after visiting another farm.”

Poultry farmers and bird owners with backyard flocks are urged to report cases of unexplained sudden increase in bird deaths or a sudden drop in egg production to the 24-hour Emergency Animal Disease Watch Hotline on 1800 675 888, to your local vet, or to Agriculture Victoria.

More information on avian influenza and protective measures is available via the Argicultural Victoria website: