Government consults on connecting our future energy needs

The government is consulting the public on connecting our future energy needs. (Unsplash).

The department of climate change, energy, the environment, and water is asking for input from the public on ways to make it easier and faster to connect large consumer energy resources (CER) to power grids.

CERs include electric vehicle charging infrastructure, storage systems (batteries), and renewable energy sources (rooftop solar panels).

According to a media release from the department, more Australians are adopting these technologies, with the EV market share in Australia increasing from 2.05% of new light vehicle car sales in 2021 to 3.8% in 2022 and 8.45% in 2023, and 1 in 3 Australian homes now having rooftop solar systems.

Input from this consultation will be used to assist in streamlining connection processes for CER infrastructure and help to ensure an efficient transition to a sustainable energy future.

The government’s department of climate change, energy, the environment, and water is responsible for a wide range of matters, including environment protection and conservation of biodiversity, air quality, land contamination, waste programs, management of industrial chemicals, and meteorology.

Input for this consultation can be provided through the department’s website.
