Goodness all home grown

Hume's Enviro Champion Jim Wilson. Picture Shawn Smits

Hume council’s Enviro Champions program is bearing fruit at Sunbury with a sensory garden that helps in the therapy of people with cancer. Registrations are now open for Hume Council’s 2016 Enviro Champions program, which starts on February 24. Mayor Helen Patsikatheodorou said the efforts of Jim Wilson (pictured), a Sunbury volunteer, had shown how Enviro Champions could stimulate both environmental and health benefits. “Jim volunteers each week to nurture a produce garden, which helps in the therapy of people with cancer,” she said. “The garden … grows plants that stimulate the senses of people who have been unwell. Jim’s work is a terrific example of how a project that is good for the environment is also great for the mental and physical health of people.” Details: Liz, 9205 2845 or