Get ready to cast your vote


Voters in Hume and Whittlesea better be ready to cast their vote in the upcoming local council elections.

Their close of enrolment to vote is 4pm on Wednesday, August 7.

Electoral commissioner Sven Bluemmel issued a call to residents to have their say.

‘As this is a postal election, it’s important to check your address details are correct – this includes any alternative postal address,’ he said.

‘If you’re an Australian citizen and recently turned 18, or moved and haven’t updated your address, or if you’ve just closed your post office box with Australia Post, you can enrol or update your details online.’

People living outside of Hume or Whittlesea who pay rates for a property they own there, non-Australian citizens who occupy and pay rates on a property in Hume or Whittlesea, or a representative of a company or business operating in either Whittlesea or Hume can apply to the council to enrol by calling 9205 2200.

Mr Bluemmel also reminded voters that the rules for council enrolments have recently changed.

‘Voting in local council elections is now compulsory for all state- and council-enrolled voters. In previous elections it was not compulsory for council-enrolled voters to vote – now everyone must vote if they are on the voters’ roll.’

Voters who will be away during the election period can have their ballot pack redirected to an address of their choice by completing a redirection form online by September 9

Details: 131 832 or at