Funding to help school expansion

Deputy premier Ben Carroll with year 12 students Christina, Reeta and Anchalpreet. (Damjan Janevski) 421227_03

Students and staff from Kolbe Catholic College have reason to celebrate, with the school receiving $6 million from the state government to expand its facilities.

Deputy Premier and Education Minister Ben Carroll and Greenvale MP Iwan Walters announced the grant at the school’s Greenvale campus on July 24.

The funding, along with a co-contribution of more than $25 million from the school, will enable Kolbe Catholic College to complete stage two of the Mickleham campus and introduce a year seven to 12 school to help meet growing enrolment demands.

The new facilities will be in The Woods estate and will open its doors for year seven students in 2026 and expand to year 12 in subsequent years until 2031.

Stage two of the Mickleham campus will consist of the construction of 16 classrooms, a performing arts centre, five classrooms that include music, drama, and multi-purpose rooms, four relocatable modular classrooms, an outdoor performance stage and landscaping projects.

“This new building project at Kolbe Catholic College will be well-received by local families, who can look forward to updated learning spaces and more modern facilities,” Mr Walters said.

Carroll outlined how Victoria is the education state and how they are committed to holding up that moniker by providing every child in the state with the best possible education facilities