Cuts could see $1000 spike in kinder fees

Families in Hume could be asked to pay an extra $1000 each year for their child to attend kindergarten if federal funding for kindergartens is not extended beyond December 2017.

Hume council is calling on the Liberal and Labor parties to commit to continue funding for four-year-olds to attend kindergarten for 15 hours a week as part of the federal election.

The federal government currently pays for five out of the 15 hours of preschool which children receive in the year before they start school. The other 10 hours are funded by the Victorian government.

Mayor Helen Patsikatheodorou said the council would face a funding shortfall of at least $1.7 million a year if the funding was not continued.

She warned that without federal funding, the council could be forced to increase kindergarten fees.

“Many families in Hume would simply not be able to afford this extra amount and we don’t want any child to miss out on their crucial year at preschool,” she said.

“There is strong evidence that 15 hours of preschool helps children to later succeed throughout their social life. Preschool is particularly important in Hume where many families come from disadvantaged backgrounds, and some children speak a language other than English at home.

“The Australian government has backed universal access to preschool since 2013 and we’d love the major parties to pledge their ongoing support to this vital year of childhood eduction.”

The council has created postcards calling for federal funding for kindergartens which will be handed out to parents at preschools across the municipality.

Cr Patsikatheodorou said it was essential that families backed the campaign to avoid a fee hike.

Families can use the postcards to pledge their support for the council’s campaign, or they can visit,