Friendly faces for 13 Mernda Primary School preps

Arav, Abia and Shaib, Cooper and Jacob, Gus and Fletcher, Alex and Nicholas, Varun and Vaishnavi. (Luke Hemer)

By Laura Michell

The school year started with friendly faces close by for 13 Mernda Primary School preps.

In a first for the school, five sets of twins and one set of triplets started prep this year.

Leading teacher Jo Couret said she had never known so many twins to be enrolled in one year level.

“It has never been heard of in my time, although the school has had triplets before,” she said.

“The children are all settling in beautifully. They are all happy and bubbly and getting used to the changes in life and routine.”

The children are among 173 prep pupils, with the school having nine prep classes this year.

According to the education department, close to 2200 preps started school in Whittlesea in the past two weeks.