Foster carers needed in Melbourne’s north


The search is on for more foster carers living in Melbourne’s northern suburbs.

The not-for-profit Lighthouse Foundation is aiming to double its number of foster carers in the northern suburbs to provide greater support to vulnerable children and young people.

Lighthouse Foundation chief executive Eamonn McCarthy said it was the organisation’s promise to “provide our foster carers with a consistent circle of support, sense of community and the therapeutic care they

need to look after some of Victoria’s most vulnerable children”.

He said that central to that support is the organisation’s Hub Home in the north, which is purpose designed to give foster carers the help they need to provide a safe home for children in need.

“We started a trial of having foster carers use our Hub almost three years ago and we’ve found it’s critical in making them feel they’re not alone,” Dr McCarthy said.

“The hub is a place where children and their foster carers go to get help, with everything from day-today logistics like school pickups and groceries, to training, and emotional and psychological support.

“Carers can also use the home for overnight stays, organised day activities, and as a meeting place to connect with other foster families.”

Dr McCarthy said Lighthouse’ foster carers have access to local volunteers for additional support, as well as learning and development through individual and group reflective practice, 24/7 phone support, and a team of therapeutic carers who can role model how to care for young people in the foster home.

“We know it takes a village to raise a child, and this is key in our approach to create a sense of belonging and a community for both our foster carers and young people,” Dr McCarthy said.

“There’s no typical foster carer – the only prerequisites are that you be 21 years of age or older, have a spare room, and complete background checks.

“Becoming a foster carer is a truly rewarding and life changing experience. We encourage anyone who has it in their heart to provide a loving home to someone in need, to express their interest in joining

the Lighthouse Foundation community today.”