Flock to night owls

Ladies from the South Morang Night Owls. (supplied)

The South Morang Night Owls are looking to grow their group in 2024.

The program is run by the Country Women’s Association (CWA), which seeks to advance the interests of women, families, and communities in Australia, especially those in rural, regional, and remote areas.

The South Morang Night Owls meet twice a month on the first and third Tuesday of every month from 7pm and participate in many different activities, from fundraising, handicrafts, and cultural activities, to debating current social and environmental issues.

South Morang CWA President Erika Ciccone said the group provides a great opportunity to make connections and enjoy the weeknights.

“I have a pretty busy schedule, and I am a carer for my husband, so to have a chance to come and cook, sew, knit, and just have a good laugh is great,” she said.

“We have lots of upskilling opportunities available such as card making demonstrations, and run lots of fundraising events for the community.

“I hopped in with two feet to the club last year and have just loved it, and decided to step up to take the president role on.

“Consider becoming a member, create new friendships, learn and share new skills, enjoy volunteering to assist those most vulnerable and in need, and be involved in understanding issues impacting on our community and advocate for change.”

The group has 19 members and are keen for new, younger members to carry on the group’s legacy.

The group meets at the Estia Retirement Village on Old Plenty Road, South Morang.

Contact the membership secretary for more information: 0409 181 553

Gerald Lynch