Feedback call for potential freeway interchange at Beveridge


Community feedback is being sort to help shape the planning for a potential future Camerons Lane Interchange at the Hume Freeway, Beveridge.   

The potential future interchange would improve freeway access, cater for the area’s growing population, unlock and support future urban development and reduce travel times. 

Major Road Projects Victoria (MRPV) is also undertaking a planning study focused on Minton Street.

The study aims to determine whether upgrades are needed to support the growth of the area and cater for future land use.

From February 5-25, MRPV is seeking feedback from the community to help inform the planning and the development of design options.

MRPV will use the feedback to better understand how community members currently use the local road network and their views on safety, traffic flow and what should be considered during the planning process.

This feedback will help inform planning, roadside investigations will be undertaken.

At times during the investigations, traffic control measures including temporary lane closures and reduced speed limits may be in place.

Big Build roads director project development Michael McClean said the community’s say is an important part in shaping their decision making.

“Community members are encouraged to have their say to help inform our planning for a potential future Camerons Lane Interchange at the Hume Freeway and for our planning study focussed on Minton Street,” he said.

“We want to hear from the people who use these important sections of the road network in Beveridge. We want to know any concerns they have and what we should consider in our planning to help ensure any potential upgrades deliver the best outcomes.” 

Feedback can also be given at pop-up sessions at Club Mandalay, 430-450 Mandalay Circuit, Beveridge, on Thursday, February 15 from 5-8pm and Saturday, February 17 from 11am-1pm.
