Exhibition celebrates Ramadan

Broadmeadows Central is celebrating Ramadan with its new exhibition. (Supplied)

Michaela Meade

A new multisensory art experience is coming to Broadmeadows Central.

From Wednesday, May 5, the celebration of Ramadan is getting a new addition.

A multisensory exhibition will take shoppers into a visual interpretation of the sacred month of Ramadan.

The Muslim event takes place over the ninth month in the Islamic calendar – this year from Monday, April 12 until sunset on Wednesday, May 12 – and involves observers fasting from dawn to dusk.

Local students’ artwork will be displayed in a large outdoor castle, with chime and scents of the Middle East incorporated.

Broadmeadows Central centre manager Jeroam Whittington said the exhibition will allow the local community to come together.

“We are fortunate to have a strong multicultural community at Broadmeadows Central, [36 per cent] of which will be observing Ramadan this year,” said Mr. Whittington.

“The art exhibition allows the community to engage with each other during Ramadan and will be supported by a host of retailers providing exclusive offers throughout the period.”

Customers are encouraged to explore the interactive showcase until Friday, May 14.

Details: broadmeadowscentral.com.au