Epping, Thomastown and Lalor receive community grants

Thomastown MP Bronwyn Halfpenny with Creeds Farm manager Antoinette Iounnou and excited members of the centre following their grant.

Harper Sercombe

Melbourne’s northern suburbs are set to welcome grants to upgrade community lead facilities.

Amongst the grant recipients is Epping’s Creeds Farm Living & Learning Centre. The centre is a community-run and driven resource that provides programs to promote physical and mental wellbeing.

The centre was awarded a $50,000 grant that will assist with structural problems of the amenity including serious roof leaks.

The facility also hopes to use some of the money to fund basic amenities such as computer screens, chairs and headsets. As well as to develop new community led programs to deal with mental health issues throughout the growing area.

The recently upgraded West Lalor Tennis Club also received $70,000 to provide a safe and accessible play area to neighbour the club.

Thomastown’s board of Imams was given $50,000 to upgrade their facilities including the increasing of security through cameras and better fencing. The money will also be used to continue their community programs.

Thomastown MP Bronwyn Halfpenny said these grants are pivotal to help the growing community.

“[We are] giving our community the services they need now and into the future,” Ms Halfpenny said.

“We’re backing the community organisations that provide care, support and services to help Victorians when they need it the most.

“As well as those that create spaces for Victorians to come together and share in culture and tradition.”