Epping Road closures to impact drivers

Epping road upgrade. (supplied)

Drivers in Melbourne’s north should prepare for delays as overnight road closures take place on Epping Road on Thursday, March 20.

The closures are part of ongoing works for the Epping Road upgrade, which is set to be completed in late 2025.

From 7:30pm, Harvest Home Road, Hayston Boulevard, Lyndarum Drive, Fletcher Street, Taggerty Grove, and service road entries and exits on the west side of Epping Road will be temporarily closed.

Additionally from 8:30pm, Epping Road will close between Baltrum Drive and O’Herns Road/Findon Road.

Local access for residents and businesses will be maintained via detours.

If delays occur due to unforeseen circumstances, the works will be rescheduled to Friday March 21 or Saturday March 22.

Drivers are advised to plan ahead and anticipate up to 30 minutes of additional travel time during these closures.

Following the overnight works, Harvest Home Road and Taggerty Grove will remain closed at Epping Road until late August for intersection upgrades, which include new lanes, kerbs, medians, and shared walking and cycling paths.

Access to these roads will be maintained via alternative routes, with drivers advised to expect minor delays of up to 10 minutes.

These latest works follow the recent completion of key intersection upgrades at Park Street in late February.

The broader project aims to improve existing roads between Craigieburn East and Memorial avenue, to help ease congestion for the 35, 000 drivers who use Epping Road daily.

Details: bigbuild.vic.gov