Donation from the heart

Forward in Faith Ministries' Kulecha Chipadza, Nyarai Nohlala, Eve Hove and Patience Rabai with the patient transport chair. (Damjan Janevski) 289803_03

Children admitted to Northern Hospital’s paediatric ward will be able to move around the hospital more easily, after an Epping church donated a patient transport chair to the ward.

The Forward in Faith Ministries congregation donated money to enable the church to buy the chair, which the hospital said would help reduce children’s anxiety on arrival at the hospital.

A Forward in Faith Ministries spokesperson said the church donated the chair because it wanted to have a lasting positive impact on the children who are treated at Northern Hospital.

“As a church we have understood the need to give back to the community in which many of our members have greatly benefited from,” the spokesperson said.

“Northern Health and the children’s ward has definitely been one organisation which has nursed many of our members’ children over the years.

“When we were alerted to the need the ward had, it was quickly decided by our charity and community board that … we wanted to support such a noble cause after hearing the difficulties of transporting their young patients. We knew that this wheelchair would have a lasting positive impact to children treated at the Northern Hospital as well as supporting their dedicated staff in caring for them.”

Northern Health Foundation fundraising relationship manager Konstantina Halastanis said the chair would help patients with reduced mobility to move around the hospital.

“This support has enabled us to purchase equipment and, in turn, improve our services for children at Northern Health. We are extremely grateful for your support, as are our clinicians and the families who have benefited from your very generous donations.”