By Esther Lauaki
Thousands will gather across the northern suburbs for Remembrance Day this weekend.
November 11 marks 101 years since the Armistice that ended World War I and John Lynch, Betty Maher and Maureen Reed will be among those observing a minute’s silence at the Craigieburn War Memorial at 11am, in memory of those who died or suffered in all wars and armed conflicts.
Mr Lynch served in the Malayan Emergency and Indonesian Confrontation with the Royal Australian Navy.
Mrs Mayer and Mrs Reed both lost family members aboard the wrecked HMAS Sydney II on November 19, 1941.
More than half a million poppies are expected to be sold in the annual Poppy Appeal with volunteers from Craigieburn and Epping Returned and Services League members among those out in force across the state.

Epping RSL appeals officer Mary Bell said all money from Poppy sales will go to current and former servicemen and women in need.
“We have on display at the RSL a Leopard Tank, an artillery piece and have recently acquired a land rover,” Ms Bell said.
“Our poppy ladies have already displayed a wall hanging saying Lest We Forget made out of handmade poppies outside the building.”
A group comprising members of Epping RSL, Market Fresh Epping and Heart Kids will also be exhibiting photos of their recent trek along the Kokoda trail.
The branch will also have a display of white crosses with the names of our local fallen service men and or women with a handmade poppy on each.
A Remembrance Day ceremony will be at Epping RSL starting with a prelude at 10.15am.
Poppies are available from the RSL, Woolworths or Officeworks stores across Victoria or volunteers throughout November.