Council ‘disappointed’ by long grass


Mowing the long grass in the municipality’s parks and gardens is a priority, according to Whittlesea council.

Council infrastructure and environment director Debbie Wood said while recent wet weather has meant that long grass is prevalent across the municipality at the moment, and some areas will need to dry out before they can be mowed, council was disappointed with the appearance of its parks and gardens.

“Council is disappointed with the situation and is actively working with the maintenance contractor to address concerns,” she said.

“Council is committed to presenting our stunning parks, reserves and roadsides to the standards our community expects and deserves, and we are just not seeing the performance we need at the moment from our contractors to deliver this.

“There is quite a lot of long grass around and we appreciate people in our community are frustrated and concerned and we are hearing that loud and clear. This is a priority issue for us and I’d like to thank everyone for their understanding and patience as we work closely with our contractor to ensure our open spaces are maintained to standards we can all be proud of.

“We will be posting to our website daily the details of where crews have been and where they are headed next.”

According to council, there are more than 2693 acres of grass to mow in the municipality and more than two million square metres of garden beds to maintain.

To view council’s mowing schedule, visit: