Council considering truck ban

Hume council. (Damjan Janevski). 336543_02

By Tara Murray

Hume council is proposing to ban trucks on sections of Bardwell Drive, Konagaderra, Gellies and Wildwood roads following increased traffic on the roads.

Following a council decision in February 2023 to commence procedures to install no trucks signs on the parts of the roads, the council has opened community consultation on the proposed bans.

At that council meeting in 2023, then councillor Jack Medcraft said there needed to be more policing on the roads saying there were ‘cowboys’ who were travelling above the speed limit.

Council proposes erecting ‘no trucks’ signage at the entries of the affected roads. The signs restrict heavy vehicle traffic, above 4.5 tonnes of gross vehicle mass from accessing these roads.

The council said should there be sufficient support for the truck ban, the council will table the proposal to VicRoads for review and would be subject to VicRoads approval.

The proposes erecting ‘no trucks’ signage at the entries of the affected roads. The signs restrict heavy vehicle traffic, above 4.5 tonnes of gross vehicle mass from accessing these roads.

“Between February and April 2022 the intersection of Mickleham Road and Craigieburn Road was closed by Major Road Projects Victoria so that part of the Craigieburn Road could be upgraded,” council said.

“Traffic was redirected onto surrounding roads. Council monitored this increase in traffic and have continued to do so.

“Since the intersection reopened traffic data shows that higher volumes of heavy vehicle traffic have been using local roads like Bardwell Drive, Konagaderra Road, Gellies Road, and Wildwood Road (North and South). Nearby arterial roads which are designed for this kind of traffic have capacity.”

Hume council said the quality of life for people living along these roads might be negatively affected but the increased traffic.

The type of signage allows for important exceptions, such as emergency vehicles being able to use the roads when required or when heavy vehicles are servicing a property along these roads.

Consultation is open until February 28.
