Council back study hub

Students now have more opportunities to study teaching. PICTURE: SUPPLIED

Max Westwood

Hume council will support a La Trobe University plan for a study hub on the ground floor of the Broadmeadows civic centre.

Council agreed to support the plan during its July 8 council meeting, despite opposition from councillors Carly Moore and Jack Medcraft.

A report to the council meeting said the university asked council to review opportunities to create a study hub in the municipality, with council officers identifying office space at the Broadmeadows civic centre as the most appropriate location.

La Trobe will apply for a federal government grant to fund the hub.

The report stated that study hubs are designed to provide dedicated spaces for tertiary students to access resources and support services outside of university campuses.

“They typically offer facilities such as study spaces, computer access, and student support services, which are crucial for enhancing the educational experience and success of students,” the report said.

“The proposed hub at the Broadmeadows civic centre will cater to the needs of local students, particularly those who are underrepresented and disadvantaged.”

Cr Karen Sherry said the space would help people who don’t have “ideal conditions” at home.

“Participating in something like this and building those links with La Trobe University, which is now a very respected university, particularly in the health sciences, is a very good thing for this municipality,” she said.

Cr Moore said it seemed like council was going through the motions rather than trying to provide real, helpful spaces for residents.

“I absolutely believe that the residents here in Hume deserve the same access to world class tertiary institutions that other people throughout Victoria have been accessing for many decades,” she said.

“I don’t believe this study hub is the answer, I’m not even sure if it is an important first step or that it will provide any significant benefit to any of our Hume residents.”