Community calendar

This week's photographer's choice picture is of Joshua Burgess, who has been collecting artefacts with his metal detector for about 10 years. (Damjan Janevski) 306739_01

Seed Library talks

Hume Seed Library is partnering with Hume libraries and inviting you to learn all about why seed sovereignty matters, and learn some simple methods to save your seeds for future seasons. Talks will take place on November 19 at Broadmeadows Library (1.30-2.30pm) and November 23 at Tullamarine Library (12:15-1:30pm).

Farmers and makers market

The South Morang Farmers and Makers Market, which supports local farmers, artisans and businesses, is on at the Civic Centre car park, 25 Ferres Boulevard, South Morang, on the third Saturday of the month, from 9am to 1pm.

■ 9217 2346

Creative arts and fitness

Banksia Gardens Community Services is running yoga and jewellery making classes every Tuesday.

■ 9309 8531

Craft and Conversation

Craigieburn library is hosting a Wednesday weekly craft group from 1-3pm and everyone is welcome. Join the craft and conversation group and share your love of all things crafty. Bring your current project and make new friends.

Community lunch in Roxburgh Park

Join the Homestead Team, along with members of the community for a free lunch and make some new friends whilst you’re at it. Lunch will be prepared by the Northern Turkish Women’s Association.The lunch will be held every Wednesday from 11.30am-1pm at Homestead Community and Learning Centre, 30 Whiltshire Road, Roxburgh Park.


Tai Chi for health

Come along to Homestead Community and Learning Centre in Roxburgh Park for a lesson in tai chi, a low impact exercise program to build strength. Everyone is welcome. It’ll be held every Monday from 10.30-11.30am.


Adult education

Banksia Gardens Community Services is running adult education courses including an introduction to computers and brushing up on English skills.

■ 9309 8531

Senior citizens meet

The Gladstone Park Senior Citizens Club regularly meets for games of bingo, carpet bowls and a chat over a cuppa, at the coroner of Carrick and Elmhurst drives, Gladstone Park.

Beulah, 0411 422 398

Gambling talk

ReSPIN: Let’s Talk About Gambling is a workshop for those who care about someone who has an issue with gambling. Head along to the Sunbury Library, 44 Macedon Street, Sunbury on November 17, 7pm to 8.30pm for the free program. Register below.

Arts and games night

Get creative at the Sunbury Youth Centre as part of an art and games night each Wednesday at the Sunbury Youth Centre, 3.30pm to 5.30pm. There’s a range of arts and crafts to try, and if art isn’t your thing, there’s a wide variety of games. The program is for people aged 12 to 18 years old and is free. 51-53 Evans Street, Sunbury.

HarmoniX Vocal Company

Get involved with an all-male, auditioned singing group happening on Thursday, 7- 9.30pm in Sunbury. The group is inviting new members to join. The group also has a mixed choir, DynamiX Vocal Company, rehearsing Tuesday. 7-9.30pm. Both groups rehearse at Dulap Wilim Hub, 11 Leichardt Street, Sunbury. No auditions required, just bring your love of music.

Jacksons Creek Combined Probus

Visit or become a new member of the Jackson’s Creek Combined Probus Club, gathering on the second Monday of each month at the Sunbury Football Club at 10am. Enjoy outings and meetings each month with a friendly group of men and women, and twice yearly trips away staying in cabins and caravans.

■ Doug, 5428 3317, or Teresa, 9746 3402

Craft and conversation

If you’re a passionate crafter and want some company, why not head down to the Sunbury Library on Mondays at noon for the craft and conversation group. The program is free and open to people aged 15 years and older.

Chill Out Sunbury

Are you between 12 and 18 years old and want to engage with other young people, participate in activities such as trivia, games, art, music, competitions, personal development and more? Chill Out Sunbury is for you. It’s free and happens every Wednesday, 3.30-5.30pm at the Sunbury Youth Centre, 51-53 Evans Street.

Sunbury Ladies Badminton Club

Get involved with a welcoming, fun, social group of women who have spread the word of ladies badminton since 1999. Social games are on Mondays, 9.30am-noon, and team competitions are on Thursdays, 9.30am-12.30pm at Eric Boardman Stadium, Wilsons Lane.

Sunbury badminton fun

The Sunbury Badminton Club has a new extra playing time on Wednesdays, 10am-noon. All are welcome to attend at Clarke Oval Stadium, 49 Riddell Road, with equipment provided and coaching available. Playing for the first time is free.

Sunbury Family History and Heritage Society

If you’ve got a hankering to learn more about Sunbury and even your own family history, why not check out the Sunbury Family History and Heritage Society, meeting at 1.30pm on the third Thursday of each month at the Sunbury Senior Citizens Centre, 8 O’Shanassy Street, Sunbury.

Rotary club

The Sunbury Rotary Club meets every Tuesday at the Sunbury Bowling Club from 7pm.

Ladies probus

The Woodlands Ladies Probus Club of Sunbury meets on the fourth Monday of each month at the Sunbury Bowling Club at 9.45 am. The club is based on fun, friendship and fellowship and enjoys monthly outings, an annual trip away and a lot of fun meetings.

■ Leonie, 0401 764 182

Sunbury Ladies Probus Club

The Sunbury Ladies Probus Club meets at 9.30am on the fourth Wednesday of each month at the Sunbury Football Social Club rooms. The friendly group of women enjoy outings, film mornings, speakers and presenters, as well as special events like holidays and bus trips. New members are warmly welcomed.

■ Pat, 0433 789 754, or Sylvia, 0417 170 142

Sunbury Combined Probus Club

The Sunbury Combined Probus Club meets every fourth Thursday of the month at the Sunbury Football Social Club at 10am.

■ Carmel , 0416 477 271


Sunbury & Macedon Ranges Toastmasters helps its members develop their public speaking, communication and leadership skills. The group meets on the first and third Tuesday of each month, from 7.20-9.30pm, at the Sunbury Senior Citizens Hall.

Garden club

The Sunbury Garden Club meets on the first Tuesday of every month. There is a guest speaker at each meeting, which starts at 7.30pm at the Sunbury Football Club.

■ Cheryl, 9744 1663

Sunbury Seniors

Sunbury Seniors meet on Mondays and Fridays at 8 O’Shanassy Street, Sunbury, from 10am-3pm. A variety of activities are offered – indoor bowls, cards, snooker, guest speakers, day excursions, subsidised lunches or just a cup of coffee and a chat. If you’re 55 or older and would like to make some new friends.

■ 0434 400 754

Probus Club Of Sunbury

Join the Probus Club of Sunbury on the first Wednesday of the month at the Sunbury Football club at 9.30am. It’s a friendly men’s group open to all retired and semi-retired men. Enjoy morning tea and a guest speaker. Visitors and new members are welcome with a number of great events held each month.

■ Greg, 0417 593 035