Want your event listed? Community Calendar is made available free of charge to not-for-profit organisations to keep the public informed of special events and activities. Send item details to Star Weekly Community Calendar, Corner Thomsons Road and Keilor Park Drive, Keilor Park, 3042, or email to westeditorial@starweekly.com.au by 9am Wednesday the week prior to publication.
Craft and Conversation
Craigieburn library is hosting a Wednesday weekly craft group from 1-3pm and everyone is welcome. Join the craft and conversation group and share your love of all things crafty. Bring your current project and make new friends.
Community lunch in Roxburgh Park
Join the Homestead Team, along with members of the community for a free lunch and make some new friends whilst you’re at it. Lunch will be prepared by the Northern Turkish Women’s Association.The lunch will be held every Wednesday from 11:30am-1:00pm at Homestead Community and Learning Centre, 30 Whiltshire Road, Roxburgh Park.
Tai Chi for health
Come along to Homestead Community and Learning Centre in Roxburgh Park for a lesson in tai chi, a low impact exercise program to build strength. Everyone is welcome. It’ll be held every Monday from 10:30-11:30am.
Reconciliation Week exhibition: Teena Moffat
In conjunction with Reconciliation Week, Hume-based Yorta Yorta, Gunaikurnai, Gunditjmara artist Teena Moffat shares some of her beautiful creations, stories and traditional skills through a pop-up exhibition, artist talk and workshop. The exhibition will be on until Wednesday, June 8.
Gee Lee-Wik Dolleen Gallery, Gee Lee-Wik Doleen Gallery, Hume Global Learning Centre – Craigieburn, 3064.
■Hume Galleries, 9205 2200 or gallery@hume.vic.gov.au.
World environment day festival
The city of Whittlesea is hosting a range of fun family activities for the World Environment Day Festival to fill your Sunday with excitement. The free event includes nature based games, science activities, a ninja course, scouts BBQ and more. It’ll run on Sunday, June 5 from 11am-3pm at Lauries Field, Brookwood Avenue in Doreen.
■ Narelle Bozinis, 9401 0542
South Morang farmers market
The city of Whittlesea South Morang Farmers and Makers Market for June 2022 will be held on Saturday, June 18. It runs each month on the third Saturday 9am-1pm, 25 Ferres Boulevard. It showcases fresh local produce and homemade products, live music and kids’ activities.
■ 9217 2346
Chill Out Sunbury
Are you between 12 and 18 years old and want to engage with other young people, participate in activities such as trivia, games, art, music, competitions, personal development and more? Chill Out Sunbury is for you. It’s free and happens every Wednesday, 3.30-5.30pm at the Sunbury Youth Centre, 51-53 Evans Street.
Sunbury LADIES Badminton Club
Get involved with a welcoming, fun, social group of women who have spread the word of ladies badminton since 1999. Social games are on Mondays, 9.30am-noon, and team competitions are on Thursdays, 9.30am-12.30pm at Eric Boardman Reserve, Wilsons Lane.
Come have a chat
Delve into deeper topics and enjoy intriguing conversations by joining the Table 8 Discussion Group. The key theme for the coming months will be kindness. The chats take place every Tuesday from 10.30-11.30am at Macedon Lounge, 40 Victoria Street, Macedon.
■ Carol, 0431186575
Sunbury badminton fun
The Sunbury Badminton Club has a new extra playing time on Wednesdays, 10am-noon. All are welcome to attend at Clarke Oval Stadium, 49 Riddell Road, with equipment provided and coaching available. Playing for the first time is free.
Take weight off naturally
Struggling to lose weight? Struggling to get motivated? Want to try and do it in a friendly and less stressful atmosphere? Come and join TOWN (Take Weight Off Naturally) every Tuesday at 6pm at the Darlingsford Barn, Darlingsford Boulevard, Melton.
■ Catherine, 0416 612 517, or Bob, 0411 824 739
Melton Friendship Group.
Join the Melton Friendship Group for singles 55 and older. Meet fortnightly for coffee and chat nights and organised affordable outings and events.
■ 0406 493 734
Melton Valley Ladies Probus Club
The Melton Valley Ladies Probus Club meets at 10am on the second Tuesday of each month at the Melton Country Club. The group is open to everyone, new and old members, to get together and discover the social aspects of the group.
■ Ann, 0425 705 150
Sunshine Fly Fishing Club
Are you interested in learning to fish with a fly rod and artificial flies and lures you made yourself? Sunshine Fly Fishing Club is looking for new members. The club can teach you all you need to know to get started. It meets every Tuesday at 7pm at Barclay Reserve, King Edward Avenue, Albion.
■ Ted, sunshineflyclub@gmail.com
Women’s group
Duke Street Community Centre has set up a women’s social group to give people a place to interact. The group will run every second Friday, from 1pm, as a way to connect with other women in the community in a safe, fun and social way. It will be developed to suit the needs of the participants and will be in a casual setting.
■ 9311 9973
Keilor probus
The Keilor Combined Probus Club is back in business. The group meets the third Monday of every month at Keilor Pub. New members welcome.
■ Steve, 0408 193 793, or Keith, 0409 494 801.
Altona North combined probus
The Altona North combined probus club meets on the fourth Wednesday of each month at Altona Sports Club. Includes a speaker, organised trips and outings, and a friendly atmosphere.
■ Lesley, 0414 481 442
Point Gellibrand Rotary Club
Rotary Club of Point Gellibrand meets at Customs House Hotel, 161 Nelson Place, Williamstown, on the first and third Tuesday of the month from 6pm for a 6.30pm dinner meeting. The club has some great speakers and need new, energetic, enthusiastic members who want to make a difference in their community. Visit our website to find out more about our projects and community work via www.rotarypointgellibrand.com.au.
■ Pam, 0418 347 691 or rotarypointgellibrand@gmail.com
Wyndham Ladies Probus
Are you recently retired or semi-retired? Looking for fun, fellowship and to increase your social networks. The Ladies Probus Club of Wyndham meets on the first Wednesday of each month at Hotel520, Sayers Road, Tarneit, and normally has an outing or event on the third Wednesday of each month.
■ Rosa Sanderson, 0410 303 046
AL-ANON meets
AL-ANON provides support for families and loved ones living with alcoholics and problem drinkers. The group meets Mondays at St Thomas Anglican Church foyer, 117 Synnot Street, Werribee.
Bingo for all
The Werribee RSL hosts Bingo every Monday, except public holidays. Eyes down at 12.30-2.30pm.
■ 9741 5525