Community Calendar

Star Weekly journalist Oscar Parry snapped this picture of the infamout Riddells Creek geese outside the local primary school late last month. The geese are well-known around town - although no one appears to know how they came to call Riddells Creek home.

Want your event listed? Community Calendar is made available free of charge to not-for-profit organisations to keep the public informed of special events and activities. Send item details to Star Weekly Community Calendar, Corner Thomsons Road and Keilor Park Drive, Keilor Park, 3042, or email to by 9am Wednesday the week prior to publication.

Community singing group

Join the Broadmeadows Community Singers on Tuesdays at 7.30pm. No previous experience needed, just a love of singing.

■ Sonja, 0429 587 285

Chatty Cafe

Join Mill Park library’s Chatty Cafe for a coffee, tea, and biscuits and meet new friends. The cafe is open every Thursday, from 6.30-7.30pm, at 394 Plenty Road, Mill Park.

TAC L2P Program

The Transport Accident Commission (TAC) L2P Program is a community-based program developed to assist eligible young Victorian learner drivers between the ages of 16 and 21 who do not have access to a supervising driver, or an appropriate vehicle to gain driving experience required for a probationary licence. Volunteer mentors needed.

■ Cynthia Petridis, 0435 653 371

Adult education

Banksia Gardens Community Services is running adult education courses including an introduction to computers and brushing up on English skills.

■ 9309 8531

Senior citizens meet

The Gladstone Park Senior Citizens Club regularly meets for games of bingo, carpet bowls and a chat over a cuppa, at the coroner of Carrick and Elmhurst drives, Gladstone Park.

■Beulah, 0411 422 398

Homestead Walking Group

Enjoy some fresh air, beautiful gardens and meet other locals. Volunteer leaders will meet at the Homestead Community and Learning Centre at 9.30am on Wednesdays for a 30–45 minute walk.

The Broadmeadows Senior Citizens Club

The club meets on Mondays, Wednesdays, Saturdays and first Sunday of the month. It also has indoor carpet bowls, bingo, and snooker and on the third Saturday, and a dance from 7-11 pm. All are welcome.

■ Liz Munro, 0409 712 613,

Craft and Conversation

Craigieburn library is hosting a Wednesday weekly craft group, from 1-3pm, and everyone is welcome. Join the craft and conversation group and share your love of all things crafty. Bring your current project and make new friends.

Community lunch in Roxburgh Park

Join the Homestead Team, along with members of the community for a free lunch and make some new friends whilst you’re at it. Lunch will be prepared by the Turkish Women’s Association. The lunch will be held every Wednesday, from 11.30am-1pm, at Homestead Community and Learning Centre, 30 Whiltshire Road, Roxburgh Park.

Craigieburn Toastmasters

Craigieburn Toastmasters supports community members in developing and practising their public speaking, leadership, and communication skills. It meets the first and third Thursday, from 7-9pm, at the Craigieburn Guide Hall, 33 Hamilton Street, Craigieburn.

Education and community centre

Do you or someone you know need help learning English or understanding technology? Craigieburn Education and Community Centre is offering free beginner English and computer classes to eligible residents. Small, relaxed and friendly classes, drop in and say hello at 20 Selwyn Avenue, Craigieburn.

■ 9308 1477 or

Whittlesea Historical Society

The Whittlesea Historical Society welcomes anyone interested in the history of the City of Whittlesea area. A meeting schedule is available on the society’s website.

Mesmerising Moments – Oznur Ates

Mesmerising Moments is and invitation to be spellbound by the dance of colours on water and to share in the enchanting effect of this mystical dance. Through the Turkish marbling art of Ebru, Oznur combines contemporary ideas with strong traditional techniques to harness the expressive qualities of flowers. The exhibition is open to visitors until March 9 at the Town Hall Broadmeadows Gallery.

Volleyball Tournament

Are you wondering what you can do during the school holidays? How about you make the most of them with Hume Youth Services! Jump into some Volleyball action at Broadmeadows Aquatic and Leisure Centre. Please wear appropriate footwear. Snacks and drinks provided. Running on January 13, from 1 to 4 pm.

Hot Chocolate Day

Create your own “Hot Chocolate’ cup is a fun and creative activity, perfect for a day to chat with your neighbors and have a warm drink! Craft supplies and coffee cups will be provided. Children under the age of 12 must be supervised by an adult. Valley Park Community Centre, 44 Village Crescent, Westmeadows. January 15, 10 to 11 am.

Seed Propagation workshop

Growing from seed is a great way to have a low-cost, productive garden. This workshop covers germination, and caring for your seedlings. This seed propagation workshop includes a short presentation on the seed lifecycle, germination, looking after seedlings and preparing your vegetable bed as well as harvesting your produce and how to reduce your food waste. Includes a fun activity creating your own DIY seed propagation unit. At Valley Park Community Centre, 44 Village Crescent, Westmeadows on January 21, from 10:30 to 11:30 am.

Indigenous Community Gardens open day

Westmeadows Indigenous Community Garden members are hosting a monthly open day on the first Saturday of each month, 11am-noon, to showcase the gardens at the corner Toora Drive and Redan Court. All are welcome.

■ Eva Mazzei,

Craigieburn Residents Association

Do you live in Craigieburn and wonder what’s happening re-roads and facilities, or have a concern you’d like to raise so it can be addressed? Go along to the Craigieburn Residents Association and tell them about it. The association liaises with Hume council, as well as state and federal government organisations to get the job done. They also give annual donations to a local charity each year. They meet on the last Wednesday of the month at Selwyn House, Selwyn Avenue, Craigieburn, 7.30 p.m.

■ craigieburnresidents@gmail,com, or 0401 369 311

Menergise men’s walk and talk

Every Thursday from 7pm, starting at the Mernda Neighbourhood House. A nightly walk for men to get some exercise and shoot the breeze in the breeze.

■ 0475 454 133