Community Calendar

This week's photographer's choice is from the F15 national championships held last week. (Jacob Pattison)

Creative arts and fitness

Banksia Gardens Community Services is running yoga and jewellery making classes every Tuesday.

■ 9309 8531

Craft and Conversation

Craigieburn library is hosting a Wednesday weekly craft group from 1-3pm and everyone is welcome. Join the craft and conversation group and share your love of all things crafty. Bring your current project and make new friends.

Community lunch in Roxburgh Park

Join the Homestead Team, along with members of the community for a free lunch and make some new friends whilst you’re at it. Lunch will be prepared by the Turkish Women’s Association. The lunch will be held every Wednesday from 11.30am-1pm at Homestead Community and Learning Centre, 30 Whiltshire Road, Roxburgh Park.


Craigieburn Toastmasters

Craigieburn Toastmasters supports community members in developing and practising their public speaking, leadership, and communication skills. They meet the first and third Thursday from 7-9pm at the Craigieburn Guide Hall, 33 Hamilton St, Craigieburn.

Tai chi for health

Come along to Homestead Community and Learning Centre in Roxburgh Park for a lesson in tai chi, a low impact exercise program to build strength. Everyone is welcome, every Monday from 10-11am.


Adult education

Banksia Gardens Community Services is running adult education courses including an introduction to computers and brushing up on English skills.

■ 9309 8531

Senior citizens meet

The Gladstone Park Senior Citizens Club regularly meets for games of bingo, carpet bowls and a chat over a cuppa, at the coroner of Carrick and Elmhurst drives, Gladstone Park.

■Beulah, 0411 422 398

Homestead Walking Group

Enjoy some fresh air, beautiful gardens and meet other locals. Volunteer leaders will meet at the Homestead Community and Learning Centre at 9.30am on Wednesdays for a 30–45 minute walk.

Phone connect program

This is a free community service for older people and people with disability, living on their own in the Hume and Whittlesea regions. Through the Community Connect Program, you will receive regular phone calls from a volunteer to check that you are safe, secure and well.

■ 8301 8863

Education and community centre

Do you or someone you know need help learning English or understanding technology? Craigieburn Education and Community Centre is offering free beginner English and computer classes to eligible residents. Small, relaxed and friendly classes, drop in and say hello at 20 Selwyn Avenue, Craigieburn.

■ 9308 1477 or

Whittlesea Historical Society

The Whittlesea Historical Society meets on the third Sunday of each month at Whittlesea Bowls Club at 2pm. Visitors are most welcome to attend.

■ 0414 740 778 ot

Indigenous Community Gardens open day

Westmeadows Indigenous Community Garden members are hosting a monthly open day on the first Saturday of each month 11am-noon, to showcase the gardens at the corner Toora Drive and Redan Court. All are welcome.

■ Eva Mazzei: