College musical a popular proposal

The Wedding Singer cast members Matthew, Ky, Nanette and Ella ham it up. Picture: Luke Hemer

Marymede Catholic College students will rock the Plenty Ranges Arts and Convention Centre right back to the 1980s next week.

The students are taking over the centre for three nights from May 26 for their school production of The Wedding Singer.

Set in 1985, the show tells the story of rockstar wannabe Robbie Hart, who is New Jersey’s favourite wedding singer.

After being left at the altar by his fiancée, he makes it his mission to make every wedding as disastrous as his own – until he is won over by waitress Julia.

Producer Angie Bedford said The Wedding Singer was an obvious choice for the school.

“We wanted something fun and uptempo,” she said. “We try to think about who we can showcase in our productions …

The Wedding Singer has strong male roles, we have a lot of strong boys in our senior years.”

Students have been rehearsing for the show up to three times a week since February.

Among them is year 12 student Matthew Mather who has taken on the lead role of Hart despite never having performed before.

The youngest cast member is year 7 student Ky McLennan, who recently turned 12 and has a number of roles in the show.

The Wedding Singer will be on May 26 and 27 at 7.30pm and May 28 at 5pm. Tickets: