Closing the Gap in healthcare

Northern Health. Photo by Damjan Janevski. 264261_01

Hannah Hammoud

Northern Health observed the national Close the Gap Day on Thursday, March 16, acknowledging its commitment to striving toward health equity for all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders.

Close the Gap Day is marked on the third Thursday of March each year and aims to close the health and life expectancy gap between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and non-Indigenous Australians within a generation.

Northern Health is home to the Narrun Wilip-giin (Aboriginal Support Unit), the Koori Maternity Service and the new Emergency Department Aboriginal Liaison Officer who was recently appointed at the beginning of March this year.

Aboriginal Liaison Officer Toni Gabelish said that Northern Health has a committed Aboriginal Support Unit which aims to culturally support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander patients and carers through the hospital journey.

“We do this by ensuring Aboriginal people have access to all Northern Health services and ensuring Northern Health is culturally sensitive, safe and welcoming to Aboriginal people.”

“We also identify and address barriers that may prevent Aboriginal people from using Northern Health services and assist Northern Health as a whole to develop relationships within the Aboriginal community,” Ms Gabelish said.