Christmas giving

Hume Anglican Grammar staff are donating gifts to Anglicare. (Supplied) 223110_01

Tara Murray

Hume Anglican Grammar staff are shaking up their Kris Kringle this year, opting to donate gifts to Anglicare instead of buying for each other.

The school has run a Kris Kringle between staff for 13 years. There are more than 140 staff members at the school.

Teacher Emma McKenzie, who has run the Kris Kringle since the beginning, said the staff decided that they wanted to do something different this year.

“We’ve come together to reflect on the year that we have had and we wanted to give back to the community,” she said.

“We’ve had an overwhelming response from the teaching staff and general staff as well. We wanted to finish the year in the positive.”

Ms McKenzie said the school community was coming together to support the idea and they were seeing more people wanting to be part of the Kris Kringle.

They are hoping that other groups in the community might follow their lead and donate to those who need it more.

“It makes it more special this year,“ Ms McKenzie said.