Children’s Week fundraiser

The Big Group Hug team are encouraging donations of all kinds ahead of Children's Week. (L-R): Maria Quigley, Savannah Li, Stephanie Nabbout, Bianca Conry and Sydni Saldana. (Damjan Janevski) 364824_06

Big Group Hug has settled into its new Thomastown warehouse and is now gearing up for a massive Children’s Week.

Children’s Week is a national celebration of children’s rights and their right to play. This year’s theme and focus is that children have the right to relax, play, and take part in activities they enjoy.

As Children’s Week approaches from October 21 to 29, Big Group Hug invites and encourages the community to support disadvantaged children by making a donation or hosting or taking part in a fundraiser to help raise funds for families in need.

Manager Maria Quigley urges everyone to get involved with Children’s Week in a fun way.

“We want workplaces and other groups within the community to host a fundraising morning or afternoon tea with the theme of kids’ party food, a kids’ party for kids in need if you will,” she said.

“Bring along your favourite childhood party food and take a trip down memory lane all whilst raising vital funds for disadvantaged children in Victoria.”

Big Group Hug is also running a children’s Week drawing competition.

The theme is The Gift of Giving, celebrating acts of kindness, generosity, and sharing. There are two age groups, 5-8 years and 9-12 years, with entries closing October 29.

Entries can be dropped into the Thomastown and Airport West warehouses, or sent digitally via the email

Morning tea fundraisers can be registered on the BGH website:

Gerald Lynch