Cheesed off: Broadmeadows dairy company cops fine

Elsie Lange

A Broadmeadows dairy company has been dealt a $8000 fine by the County Court for contaminating Yuroke Creek with “nauseating” white liquid in 2018.

Fresh Cheese Company pleaded guilty to the Environmental Protection Authority charge of permitting an environmental hazard.

Members of the public reported a smell like “sewage or rotting milk”, that was then traced by EPA officers from more than one kilometre downstream up to the company’s premises in Riggall Street.

An EPA statement said the officers found the liquid to be leaking into the drain through a crack in the concrete on site.

“Inspecting the company’s waste management equipment, the officers found the liquid should have been pumped into a large holding tank for treatment and proper disposal, but the pump was not operating,” the statement said.

“EPA called in a scientific expert to assess the potential impact on wildlife and plants in the creek.

“Testing showed nutrient levels in samples collected from the Fresh Cheese premises were very high, which could contribute to the growth of harmful algae and weeds in the creek,” it said.

The court was told the contamination was a hazard to local aquatic life, reducing dissolved oxygen in the creek and potentially leading to fish deaths.

“Since the leak was discovered, the company has added to the structures designed to trap any leaks and installed an automatic system designed to pump out any spilled liquid,” the statement said.