Celebrate refugee week

Mohammad Azeem, Maryo Hanoona, Hameed Hanoona, Larsa T Q Al-Sanjiqly and Reham Fakhreldin Ishag at the refugee week launch

Hume council will celebrate multicultural diversity during National Refugee Week, with events for the community.

National Refugee Week in 2023 will run from Sunday June 18 to Saturday June 24.

The municipality has a diverse population with only 25 per cent of residents saying both of their parents were born in Australia, according to the 2021 census.

Hume Mayor Joseph Haweil said he is looking forward to recognising the positive contributions made by refugees to the community.

“We celebrate that our community is a major place of settlement for many refugees and being such a welcoming city is what makes Hume such a special place to live,“ he said.

The council will host a day full of events at the Broadmeadows Town Hall at 1pm on Saturday June 24. There will be Afghan and Indian dances as well as Syrian music and Palestinian food.

Attendees are encouraged to come in their cultural dress to partake in the cultural fashion show.

The council will also provide information about services and programs for refugees and newly-arrived people.

Hume will also conduct a National Refugee Week interfaith tree planting session at 10am at Jack Roper Reserve in Broadmeadows.

The garden beds at the reserve are already filled with native plants, and the council will attempt to add another 1000 seedlings. The various species of wildflowers, grasses and shrubs were chosen to attract native butterflies and native bees, and to be an example of a wildlife-friendly garden.

Cultural entertainment will accomany a catered lunch and refreshments.

Details- www.hume.vic.gov.au/Residents/People-Services/Refugee-Week-2023

Harper Sercombe