Celebrate Aus Day

(Damjan Janevski). 329825_01

A petition calling on Whittlesea council to host Australia Day events once again was tabled at the recent Whittlesea council meeting.

The petition was tabled at the February 20 council meeting, calling on the council to look to acknowledge January 26 with events in the municipality.

The council hasn’t held Australia Day ceremonies since 2020. Council administrators voted in December 2020 to take a different approach to January 26.

At the time chair administrator Lydia Wilson said they wanted to align with the community’s appropriateness, value for money, seasonal risks and community health.

“Council acknowledged that January 26 is a complex and contested date to celebrate Australia Day,” she said in 2020. “We recognise this causes distress for many people living in our community, and we are committed to moving forward in a way that will build relationships and understanding.”

Since then the Australian government has changed the rules that council’s don’t have to hold citizenship ceremonies on that day.

The petition presented at council, said they believed it wasn’t the role of the council to decide how Australia Day was marked.

‘We the undersigned petition that council should leave Australia Day alone,” the online petition said.

“Australia Day means different things to many, it is still a day to be proud and acknowledge those who have served, fought, and died under our flag, defending our freedoms. For some Australia Day may be painful.

‘We believe that the debate about Australia Day is not the role of local councils, who should be focused on local issues.

“We ask that council leave Australia alone and hold community events that celebrate Australia Day, acknowledge Indigenous culture and mark Australia Day with citizenship ceremonies.’

The petition, which was signed by a large number of signatories, was noted by the administrators.