CCTV cameras to make May Road safer

A CCTV pilot will be launched in Lalor in a bid to attract more people to the May Road shopping centre.

The state government has provided $200,000 for the pilot, which will be run by Whittlesea council.

The project will involve the installation of CCTV cameras in the May Road precinct in a bid to deter criminal activity and help people feel safer as they go about their business.

The council will work with local police to determine what cameras will be used and where they are placed to ensure they are of sufficient quality.

The funding is part of the government’s Public Safety Infrastructure fund grants.

Thomastown MP Bronwyn Halfpenny said the pilot would help improve community safety and confidence in public places.

“This project will help shoppers in the May Road precinct stay safe. This means women, families and the wider community can use this space more comfortably,” she said.

“I am often asked by residents why there are not more CCTV cameras in public places such as May Road, Rockdale Square playground and Lalor Bowling Club.

“I encourage the council to take further steps in improve safety in these areas.”


Laura Michell